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Life on an ASE

While each program is different, all ASE programs focus on a particular social issue, such as homelessness, the environment, or youth. Programs in the past have volunteered at soup kitchens, in National Parks, at YMCAs, and on organic farms. These programs create meaningful and memorable experiences for all who participate. Below are some facts and general information about our Alternative Service Experience programs.

  • ASE programs are led by two Peer Leaders (undergraduate students) and one Learning Partner (faculty/staff/graduate student). The Learning Partner is an important member of the program team, contributing to group discussions and activities, adding experience and wisdom to the group, and assisting the Peer Leaders if an emergency situation arises.
  • The programs generally run the course of the break. We try to plan the programs so that we get back in time to recuperate before heading back to the classroom.
  • All ASE programs are drug and alcohol free and work to offset their carbon footprint, being carbon neutral and practicing simple living.
  • All ASE programs adhere to the 8 Components of a Quality Alternative Break.
  • While a few programs work with organizations that are affiliated with a particular religion or are housed in a religious-affiliated building, there is no requirement that participants take part in religious services.
  • App State is a proud member of Break Away, the Alternative Break Connection, Inc., a non-profit organization that supports the development of quality alternative break programs.
Student serving in the Dominican Republic


Each program varies in terms of its eating and sleeping arrangements. Some organizations provide housing and meals, while others buy and cook their own food. The arrangements are made by the Peer Leaders on each program. In the past, programs have stayed at local churches, camped in tents, or stayed at the host agency.


Transportation methods depend upon the specific program type, whether domestic or international:

  • Domestic (US-based): All programs travel in twelve- or 15-passenger vans or minivans either sponsored by App State’s Motor Pool, other departments, or private rental companies. Participants will not be asked to drive. Peer Leaders and Learning Partners must be certified by App State to drive.
  • International: Programs travel through air and all prices include airfare.
Group working at wildlife refuge


Various scholarships are available to assist in covering the cost of participation in ASE programs. Scholarships are:

  • Available for international and domestic programs
  • Merit-based and/or awarded based on demonstrated financial need
  • Given in a variety of amounts

Contact ASE Program Director Elayna Coleman for more information regarding scholarships for our programs.

Sign-up lottery

Some of our ASE program seasons require signing up through a lottery process. The lottery sign-up allows for everyone to have the same chance at getting a spot on a program of their choice. It is possible to come to the lottery and not get on a program as demand sometimes exceeds the spaces available, but there is a waitlist. Come to the lottery with an open mind; all programs will provide rewarding experiences.

How does the lottery work?

Lottery events happen throughout the year, based on the timing of when the ASE program will take place. Starting 2 weeks before each lottery event, pick up a lottery packet in the Office of Community-Engaged Leadership (PSU 138). Complete the lottery packet and bring it with you to the lottery, along with a credit/debit card for the deposit due.

Upon arrival at the lottery, you will be assigned your official lottery number. If you are not there by the start time, you will only receive an opportunity to sign-up following the entire lottery process. Once the lottery starts, a random number generator will begin selecting numbers. When a person’s number is called, each person will proceed to sign up for the program of their choice until each program is full. Once you sign-up for a program, you must submit your deposit. Deposit amounts vary per program, so check the lottery packet for specific details.

Can’t attend the lottery?

If you cannot make it on time or at all, communicate with us before the lottery. We do have a proxy process in place, which means you can have a friend stand in your place the night of the lottery. Have your friend bring your required deposit AND completed lottery packet to the lottery. They will get a lottery number for you and when your number is called they can sign you up for a program. Give them ALL of your choices in a ranked order so they will know which program to sign you up for as they fill. They will also need to pick up all necessary forms/paperwork to give to you.